HDV Announcements: Friday, January 31

The fun fact of the day is that Only about 0.007% of the worlds water is usable

Have you ever wanted to study abroad? Rotary is taking applications to study abroad for a month this summer! You can contact @6690_rotex or visit 6690exchange.com for more information

The Life Skills Class will be selling brownies for $1 this Friday, January 31st during lunch periods.

Attention girls who plan to tryout for softball this spring.  There will be a mandatory tryout meeting Tuesday, Feb. 4th immediately after school in room 202.  If you are in a winter sport please try to make arrangements to attend this meeting.  All prospective players should be enrolled in softball in Final Forms before attending this meeting.  If you have questions you can see Coach Speakman in room 227.

HEY HEY GSA! Mark the dates February 6th and 20th to meet in 167 right after school.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Ragland