HDV Announcements: Friday, October 25

The Senior members of Student Council are sponsoring a Blood Drive on Oct. 31st form 8 to 2 in the Field House. Right now there is shortage of blood around the country. Every donation saves lives. If you would like to donate, find a QR code in the hallways or ask a member of student council.  Each donor will receive a $10. Gift Card in the mail.

Want to show off your knowledge of U.S. history and government and compete for prizes? Sign up for the American Legion and Government test which will be given here at Davidson on Wednesday, October 30. See any Social Studies teacher, counselor, or principal for more information, study materials, and the link to sign up.

Understanding College Loans meeting is October 29 at 6:30pm at Darby! It is important for students/parents to understand how student loans work and what their payment options are after graduation.  This meeting will help everyone better understand how students loans impact the student and family.

Are you interested in joining gymnastics? Tryouts are November 1st and 2nd at 5pm at fliptastic! This is for all 3 high schools.

Ski and Board club sign ups will start on Monday, Oct 28th. We will go to Mad River Mountain for 5 Thursdays starting Jan. 9th. See the QR codes on the TVs for more information.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Ragland