HDV Announcements: Monday, December 9

Need a last minute gift for someone special?  Art Club is selling handmade greeting cards during lunch on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Cards are only $1 and there are a variety of designs and colors.  Come check them out!

It’s time for Intramural Basketball! Get your team of 5 to 10 players together and register on the Intramural Canvas page. ONLY the team captain needs to submit the roster. ONLY Davidson students can play. Games will be on Sundays from 2-5 in January. See Mrs. Cannistra or Mr Frymier with any questions. Deadline is Dec 16.

The Davidson Speech and Debate Club meets every Tuesday in room 243. Hope to see you there!

Attention Spanish Club – we will be hosting our December meeting this Wednesday in the cafeteria after school.  We will be celebrating with hot chocolate, music, and a piñata! Come join us – this is open to all!

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Ragland