HDV Announcements: Thursday, February 27

Harriett Tubman was born a slave but later escaped to Philadelphia. She risked her life traveling at night helping hundreds of Southern slaves escape to the north and Canada through a network of safe people and safe houses called the Underground Railroad.  In 1978, Harriet Tubman was the first African American woman to appear on the US Postage Stamp.

The Key Club’s annual prom is coming up on March 15th, and this year’s theme is “Under the Sea.” Please visit the announcement on the Key Club Canvas page to sign up, or contact Ms. Tai if you have any questions.

Attention 3rd period:  The student council pop tab drive for Ronald McDonald house ends this week.  We will be coming around to collect all bags during 3rd period on Friday.

Bring $1 to buy a brownie from the Life Skills Brownie sale during lunch this Friday, February 28th!

If you lost a Honda key on a Red’s heart keyring please come to the Main Office.

Do you like smoothie bowls?  Stop by Playa Bowls in Dublin this Tuesday and mention Davidson softball!  A portion of the proceeds come back to the softball program.  You can stop by anytime noon until 7:30pm.

The MSA will have a general meeting today, in the Media Center directly after school. We have a lot to discuss so come ready to participate. New members are always welcome.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7200
(614) 921-7201
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William Ragland