HDV Announcements: Tuesday, March 4

The Key Club’s annual prom is coming up on March 15th, and this year’s theme is “Under the Sea.” Please visit the announcement on the Key Club Canvas page to sign up, or contact Ms. Tai if you have any questions.

 NHS is conducting a Hygiene Drive on March 21st during 3rd period.  We will be collecting self-care items like, shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, toothbrush/paste, and more! Please consider donating to this cause.

Do you like smoothie bowls?  Stop by Playa Bowls in Dublin today and mention Davidson softball!  A portion of the proceeds come back to the softball program.  You can stop by anytime from noon until 7:30pm!

Attention Spanish Club – our March gathering will be today after school in the commons.  We will be celebrating Carnaval, decorating masks, eating and listening to music.  Come join in on the fun!  Open to all!

The Davidson Speech and Debate Club meets today in room 243. Hope to see you there!

Art Club will be meeting after school today in Room 127.  We’ll be using polymer clay to make mini figurines and keychains.

HEY HEY GSA!! Meeting on March 6th, in room 167 at 2:40.

Turning Point USA club is meeting this Friday in room 222 after school.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

(614) 921-7200
(614) 921-7201
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William Ragland