HDV Announcements: Tuesday, October 15

Cultural and ethnic diversity in the United States continues to grow at precedented rates.  Hispanics/Latinxs are approximately 19% of the total US population, however it is projected that by the year 2060 Hispanics/Latinxs will make up 30% of the U.S. population.

Reminder for this Wednesday: Juniors and Seniors, please check your Class of Canvas page announcements for your bus roster and chaperone list for the Skilled Trades Field trip Oct. 16. See Mr. Faska or Mrs. Schulte for questions.

Davidson is hosting a blood drive on Thursday October 31 from 8 to 2! To sign up, see the flyers around the school or visit RedCrossBlood.org.

The Wildcat Band traveled to 2 separate band competitions this past Saturday.  They competed against 25 other bands through out the day and saw 14 different judges.  They received straight superior ratings from each judge (the highest possible rating) as well as numerous awards including 2 Best Percussion, Best Auxiliary, Best Music, Peoples Choice Award, First Place in Class AA, and Grand Champion.  Way to go Wildcat Band on an outstanding weekend!!

Art Club will be meeting after school today in Room 127.  We’ll be making beaded bracelets and sharing Inktober progress.  New members welcome!

The Davidson Speech and Debate Club meets today in room 243. Hope to see you there!

Asian Youth Alliance will be having their first meeting this Thursday after school in room 248!

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Ragland