HDV Announcements: Wednesday, October 9

Within the four military branches of the US Department of Defense it was reported in 2017 that 36% of active duty military are of Hispanic descent.  There are approximately 1.1 million veterans in the United States who are of Hispanic origin. 

Save the Date: All English 11 and 12 students will be attending the Skilled Trades Expo on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Bus rosters and chaperones will be sent through Canvas and the event will be discussed in your English classes.

Bring $1 to purchase a brownie during lunch periods this Friday, October 11th.

For any boys interested in playing lacrosse this school year, there is a mandatory meeting on Sunday, October 13th at 7pm in the commons

Join Intramurals and play Ultimate Frisbee on Sundays from 3-4:00 at the Weaver football field. There is a signup for Remind messages outside room 220.

Do you like trivia? Want to show off your knowledge against other schools in Central Ohio? The Davidson Quiz Team is looking for new members! There will be a meeting in Rm 228 on Thursday, October 10th for anyone interested in joining. Please stop by for more information!

The environmental club is meeting Thursday after school in room 216. We’ll continue to work on our posters for candy wrapper collection. New members are always welcome. Questions? See Mrs. Bloom or Mrs. Martin.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

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William Ragland