The Key Club’s annual prom is coming up on March 15th, and this year’s theme is “Under the Sea.” Please visit the announcement on the Key Club Canvas page to sign up, or contact Ms. Tai if you have any questions.
NHS is conducting a Hygiene Drive on March 21st during 3rd period. We will be collecting self-care items like, shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, toothbrush/paste, and more! Please consider donating to this cause.
Attention Current Sophomores and Juniors: Are you interested in welcoming the class of 2029 to Davidson? Applications are now live in your class of pages for Freshman Focus Camp leaders. Applications are due on Friday, March 28th at 3:00 pm. Questions? Please see Ms. Cooper!
Bring cash on Friday, March 14th to buy a brownie from the Life Skills Brownie Sale during lunch!
The Winners of the United States Army 1 minute Push Up Contest are: Da’Zair Richardson with 26 Total Reps and Dominic Bahantka with 48 Total Reps. Congratulations to both students for a job well done. You may both pick up your prize in the Main Office.