Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Office of the Principal
Daily Announcements
Happy Birthday: Anthony Ciriaco
Beat Davidson T-Shirts are being sold at lunch this week for the PTO. $15.00
SPIRIT WEEK Next week: September 13-17
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Favorite College or Team
Thursday: 7th grade- Blue, 8th grade wear Black
Friday: Spirit Wear
Back to School Social next Friday, September 17th. It will be held in the Football stadium before the HS football game. Time is 5-6:30 p.m. Stay on the alert for ticket sales next week.
Art Club: Art club will meet on Wednesdays in Room 144. The first meeting is next Wednesday, 9/15. Any questions, see Ms. Rodriguez.
Do you like to read? Do you want to meet other students who have a love of reading? Battle of the Books is a club at Heritage that meets during lunch 1-2 times per month. We read a list of books that are also read by students at Memorial and Weaver. We study the books and then in the spring our schools hold a quiz “battle” where we answer questions about the books. Come to Information sessions at Recess during lunch on September 20-22. See flyers posted in the Media Center and hallways for more information or ask Ms. Best in the Media Center.
Drama Club and Spanish Club: Look for flyers in the hallway for information. See Mrs. Lybbert in room 207 for additional information
Panda Club is an opportunity for students to enjoy learning about Asian food, music, games, film, art and culture after school. It meets once a month (or more!) on the second Tuesday of every month.
This Tuesday 9/14 we will be making Boba Tea (Bubble Tea) after school in room 147 from 2:45pm to 4:00PM. $1.00 fee per student attending this event to cover the costs for food and supplies for the Boba Tea.