Friday, November 4, 2022

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Friday, November 4, 2022

HMS Veterans Day Celebration:  Do you have any veterans in your family who have served or are currently serving our country? They are invited to attend our Veterans Day celebration!

On November 10th from 8am-9:30am in the media center, the Heritage Middle School Panther Ambassadors will be sponsoring a breakfast and ceremony for any veteran.

You are invited to share this information with any veterans in your life to attend this celebration and have breakfast with you (the student). We are excited for this opportunity to welcome, meet and honor our students’ veterans!

If you are interested in attending, please contact Emily Stout,

Panther Ambassadors Upcoming Meeting & Update:  Our Panther Ambassadors are having a great start to the year. So far, our students have collectively volunteered over 80 hours giving back to Heritage and the community! Everyone should be so proud of this. We greatly appreciate all that students do and want to do for others!

The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 9 from 2:45-4pm in the media center. We will be setting up and preparing for our Veterans Day Celebration. Hoping to see everyone there!

Math Counts Club: will start on Monday, November 7th, in Room 215 with Mrs. Tornes, after school until 4pm. This is a club where we practice for a math competition at Columbus State in February. We have snacks every week and learn quick tricks to solve math problems together. Math Counts will meet every Monday after school.

Native American Heritage Month:  The first year of dedicating November as “National American Indian Heritage Month” was in 1990, proclaimed by President George H.W. Bush, and has continued each year under subsequent presidents. Under President Barack Obama in 2009, the celebration title was changed to “National Native American Heritage Month.”  It is a time to celebrate the culture, accomplishments, and contributions of people who were the first inhabitants of the United States.  Check out the collection of books titled Indigenous People in Destiny Discover to read books that celebrate this month.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer