Monday, November 28, 2022

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Monday, November 28, 2022

SKI AND BOARD CLUB:   Flyers with all of the information about Ski Club are in the Main Office.  If you have signed up for Ski Club, or are interested in Ski Club, please pick up an information packet in the Main Office.

There is an informational parent meeting at Memorial Middle School today, Monday 11/21 @ 7pm, there is also a zoom link.  The information packet contains this info.

In the meantime, students can pay their bus fees now via “My Payments Plus”.  The Bus Fee is $100 for 5 trips, as we will travel by coach with Cardinal Transportation.  Please pay that as soon as possible.  Seating is limited and spots are given by a “first come – first serve” basis.  Email Mr. Bower ( for details.

Native American Heritage Month:  There are currently 574 different federally recognized Native American tribes (approximately 229 are located in Alaska, and the rest are located in 35 other states). In the Destiny Discover Collection titled Indigenous People there are many informative books in the Heritage Media Center to learn about Native Americans and their culture. Check out these nonfiction books: 100 Native Americans who have changed American history by Bonnie Juettner, Native Americans and the reservation in American history by Anita McCormick, and Native American Religions by Rob Staeger.

CLUB Picture Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 29 during  1st and 2nd periods.

Upcoming Dates:

  • December 9th  – Washington DC Trip Registration Deadline
  • December 16th – Last Day of Second Quarter
  • December 17th – January 2nd –  NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
  • January 3rd – First Day of 3rd Quarter


Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer