Friday, December 9, 2022

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Friday, December 9, 2022

SPIRIT WEEK is next week!!  See the flyers in the halls and listen for the daily announcements.

Monday 12/12 Holiday PJ Day
Tuesday, 12/13 Zoom Day
Wednesday 12/14 UGLY Holiday Sweater Day
Thursday 12/15 Adam Sandler Day
Friday 12/16 Student White OUT / Staff is Black


7th Grade Boys’ Basketball Team had a great week.  The Panthers beat Norton 46-15 on Tuesday and then ran away from Beulah Park 66-19 on Thursday.  The two wins brings their record to 5-0 on the season.  They play Pickerington at 10:00am on Saturday at Heritage.  Come out and support your team.

Baseball Camp:  Darby Winter baseball camp for 7th and 8th graders will run on for 5 sessions on Sunday evenings during January and February.  Contact or pick up an informational flyer in the Main office

SKI CLUB:  Handouts with all of the information about Ski Club are in the Main Office.  If you have signed up for Ski Club, or are interested in Ski Club, please pick up an information packet in the Main Office.

Upcoming Dates:

  • December 9th – Washington DC Trip Registration Deadline
  • December 13th – Band Concert
  • December 15th – Orchestra Concert
  • December 16th – Last Day of Second Quarter
  • December 17th – January 2nd – NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
  • January 3rd – First Day of 3rd Quarter



Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer