Friday, May 12, 2023

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Congratulations to the following Students of the Month:  Luis Sandoval, Leah Cruceta, Brittany Silva Velandia, Fatima Ashraf, Nathan Tai, Aiden Kocher, Daniel Wright, Landon O’Shaughnessy, Ghazal Ahmed, Addison Peters, Wesley Maul, Sydney Buell, Mohsin Iqbal

Genius Bar Applications Available for 2023-2024 School Year:  Attention all 7th graders: Would you like to work as a Genius Bar student for next year in the Media Center?  Applications are available in the Media Center by the Genius Bar information display.  This is a semester course that you can substitute for one of your electives.  The application form has information about the position/course. See Ms. Best with any questions.


Volleyball:  Panthers took down Worthingway Middle 2-0 in a close match Thursday night. The black team will return the the OCC middle school championship tomorrow night at 7 @ UA high. We will play the winner of Mt. Vernon vs Weaver. Go Panthers!

Softball: The eighth-grade softball team got run ruled by Hastings last night.   The ladies loaded the base twice, but could only muster three runs.

Football: There will be a mandatory parent meeting for incoming Freshman Football parents on May 15th. The meeting will take place in the commons at Darby High School at 6:00 PM.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month:  Author Patti Kim wrote the book, I’m OK. Ok, a Korean American boy, tries a get rich quick scheme of starting a hair braiding business and winning the school talent competition to hide the fact that he is struggling with the loss of his father and the financial hardships he and his mother must now face. Check out this book from the Media Center, along with other similar titles in the collection titled Asian Pacific Heritage Month in Destiny Discover.

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/16 – Orchestra Concert – 6PM @ Station
  • 5/17 – Band Concert – 6PM – HMS Main Gym
  • 5/19 – Choir Concert – 6PM – HMS Cafeteria
  • 5/25 – 8th Grade Field Day


Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer