If you are experiencing a crisis, the resources below may be helpful. If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911.

Nationwide Children’s Hospital Youth Psychiatric Crisis Hotline:

o    Call: 614-722-1800

Crisis Text Line

o    Text “HOME” to 741-741

National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:

o    Call: 988

o    Text: 988

Safe Schools Hotline: Confidential, free, anonymous, 24/7 information services for individuals and families.

o    Call: 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359

o    Text: TIPS to 66746

Embrace, Empower, Inspire Award

We would like to announce a new staff appreciation award that will be given to Hilliard City School employees.  The Embrace, Empower & Inspire Award will be presented throughout the school year to staff members who exemplify the values of the Hilliard City Schools and make exceptional contributions to our district. These staff members demonstrate the Hilliard Way by making a difference every day, investing time in others, and pursuing excellence.

We hope our students, families, community members, and staff will take some time to nominate the staff member they feel best meets the criteria.  You can watch the a video and get more details this web page.

At Heritage Middle School, one of our greatest priorities is ensuring that all our students arrive safely at school each and every day. This year we are introducing new, more efficient student absence reporting system called School Messenger Attendance. This new system will reduce the time it takes to verify student attendance, make it easy for you to report your child’s absence and easy for staff to respond to unexplained student absences.

With School Messenger Attendance, you are asked to report your child’s absence in advance using any of these three convenient methods:

  1. Using your mobile device, download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The first time you use the app, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
  2. Use the School Messenger Attendance website, https://go.schoolmessenger.com. The first time you use the website, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
  3. Call the toll-free number 844-413-8801 to report an absence using the automated phone system.

These options are available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week.  Future absences can be reported at any time.

If you forget to report an absence, you will receive an automated notification.  The automated notification system will attempt to contact parents at multiple contact points until a reason is submitted for the absence.  We will be using the contact information in Home Access, so it is vital your information is correct. If our system is unable to reach the designated contacts, the office staff will follow up.

If you report your child’s absence in advance using the School Messenger mobile app, website, or toll-free number you will NOT receive these notifications.

Please report absences in advance using School Messenger Attendance instead of sending notes or calling/emailing the school.  Beginning on the first day, we will also start sending notifications to let you know if your student is absent when you haven’t reported the absence in advance.

For now, just Secondary are using this system.  If you have children attending other schools, please continue to report absences using the existing procedures for those schools.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we implement this new system.

[button link=”https://www.hilliardschools.org/attendance/” size=”small, medium, large” target=”_blank” icon=”view” color=”alternative-1″]View School Messenger Attendance FAQ[/button]

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Joel Assenheimer

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