Monday, March 20, 2023

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Monday, March 20, 2023

D.C. and Spring Break Spirit Week- A Week of Hope at the Heritage:

Day Theme Action
Monday PJ Day Mindful Monday

Be mindful of your manners and actions

Tuesday Hawaiian Day Compli “mint” Tuesday

Handout mints and give a compli “mint”

Wednesday Wacky Wardrobe Give a Wave Wednesday

& tell someone “hello!”

Thursday Jersey Day Thankful Thursday

Tell someone why you are thankful for them.

Friday USA Day Have a great week in Washington DC!


Statehouse Field Trip:  On Wednesday, March 29th our 8th grade students will have the opportunity to visit and tour the Ohio Statehouse during the school day. Students will need a permission slip signed by their parents/guardians in order to attend. Please have permission slips returned to the main office by Thursday, March 23rd.

Women’s History Month:  Many women have been impactful leaders in the government of the United States.  Read about the lives of women such as Sandra Day O’ Connor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Kamala Harris, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton and others. Check out the collection titled Women’s History Month in Destiny Discover or visit the Media Center and see the featured displays.

Upcoming Dates

  • 3/27 – 3/30 – 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
  • 3/31 – 4/7 – NO SCHOOL – SPRING BREAK

Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer