Monday, November 11, 2024

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements
Monday, November 11, 2024

YEARBOOK: Heritage, have you ever had desire to be on the cover of your school yearbook?   If so, take a “buddy picture” and airdrop to Mr. Martin in the room 167 or air drop to 8th grader Lauren Santagata.   We will get you on the cover!!   Cut off time for buddy pictures in Nov. 15th.

Game Club Meeting Dates for FIRST SEMESTER:
All meetings are from 3:30-5:00pm. Please have a way to get home at 5pm!!! This is a combined club between Weaver and Heritage.  Students are welcome to go to either school for meetings.

Heritage Middle School (HMS) Meetings will start in room 146

Weaver Middle School (WMS) Meetings will start in room 146

MEETING DATES and Locations:

Thursday, November 14 at WEAVER

Thursday, November 21 at HERITAGE

Thursday, December 5 at WEAVER

Thursday, December 12 at HERITAGE

Additional Info:
Students may come to Heritage or Weaver meetings or both.

1. Students are not required to attend meetings. Students may come to the meetings that work with their schedule.

2. Students must provide their own transportation to and from meetings. Please make appropriate arrangements.

3. Students do not need to bring anything to the meetings.  The advisors will provide video game systems and games for students to play.

4. Students may CHOOSE to bring handheld game systems like the Nintendo Switch to play. Just keep in mind that students may only play games rated E for Everyone during game club times.

5. Please no food or drink while playing video games.

6. Students must submit a permission slip in Canvas BEFORE attending a meeting. Students are not permitted to stay after school unless a permission slip is turned in.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer