Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Congratulations to the following 8th graders who have carried a 4.0 grade average for the past 2 years!

Morgan Adams, Roshan Varma Ayanampudi, Hana Hazim Ayoub, Sydney Buell, Ava Campolo, Madeline Davidson, Emma Duffey, Logan Evans, Ella Harms, Clara Hessick, Brian Hill, Cooper Jeskie, Drew Limbird, Natalie Lombardo, Paige Ma, Tyler Markewicz, Wesley Maul, Samantha McGough, Yara Milhem, Akmal Mohammed, Elisha Monroy, Ryanne Musbah, Mia Neuhausel, Alexander Plummer, Thomas Van Dikj, Jimmy Vo, Anna White, Madelyn Windholtz, Caden Yocom, Prajeeth Kannan, Cassandra Larson, Dorsey Logan, Logan Taylor

Boy’s Tennis:  Heritage boys tennis team won their match against Pickerington Lakeview Junior High School on 4/12/23

Boy’s Volleyball:  Boys VB took on Worthingway on Wednesday night. Blue team fell 0-2, putting their record at 5-2. Black team won 2-0, Owen friend tallied double digit kills for the panthers. Black teams record is at 7-0. Panthers are back in action Saturday at memorial for the Hilliard Tri.

ARCHIE GRIFFIN AWARD:  Archie Griffin is a two time Heisman Trophy winner from the Ohio Sate university.  During his high school and collegiate career, Mr. Griffin demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship, integrity and ethics.  This award is given to one middle school male and one middle school female athlete from each school in the Ohio High School Athletic Association, and is the highest honor an athlete can achieve from our school.  Follow the link for more details. Applications due by Thursday, April 13th.

Arab American Heritage Month:  Ohio Governor Mike Dewine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted officially recognized the month of April as Arab American Heritage Month for the State of Ohio. The proclamation included in part the following: “We extend our gratitude to the Arab community for their efforts to showcase their heritage and to increase the awareness of Arab Americans’ historic past.” Arab American author Jasmine Warga has written the book, Other Words for Home which is in the Media Center.  It describes a girl named Jude who had to leave her brother and father behind in Syria, while she and her mom moved in with her aunt in Cincinnati. Jude’s life in America brings challenges and also new possibilities.  For other books about Arab Americans go to Destiny Discover and see the collection title Arab American Heritage Month.

Upcoming: 8th Grade Social on 4-21-2023.  Tickets will be sold next week at lunch.  Cost $5.00

Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer