Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements
Thursday, November 21, 2024
CROCHET CLUB: Crochet club will meet after school today.
HMS Life Skills is selling special holiday shaped dog bones!
These make the perfect gift for all dog lovers!
One order is 6 bones for $5.
All proceeds are used to support community outings. Orders are due by Monday, December 9th and will be delivered by Friday, December 13th.
If you have any questions, let me know! Use the link below to order
🎄 The Life Skills classes at Heritage are selling dog bones ! 🎄 Orders are due by Monday, December 9th and will be delivered by Friday, December 13th. Bones need to be refrigerated or frozen if not used with the first week. ***One order includes 6 bones for $5 *** Ingredients are wheat flour & applesauce. Students measure, following directions, cut out the treats, ship bones & count the proceeds. The proceeds from this sale will be used to support community outings. 🎄🎄 We have special holiday designs. 🎄🎄 Payment can be sent to Jennifer Hibbitt at HMS. CASH ONLY