Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

SPIRIT DAY:  Heritage Middle School PTO will have a spirit day at Bibibop at 1775 Hilliard Rome Road on Tuesday, February 28th from 10:30 AM – 9:00 PM.  The PTO will earn 20% on all purchases when you mention the Heritage PTO fundraiser or show the flyer: https://tinyurl.com/2p83racj Want to order online?  Use code BIBIFUNDRAISER in the coupon code option at the end of your online checkout.  You can dine for lunch and/or dinner this day and support the PTO.  We hope to see you there!

Dodgeball Tournament:  The 5th Annual Heritage Dodgeball Tournament will be 2:45 – 4:30 pm on Friday, March 10th in the gym.  Teams of 6 will compete to be Dodgeball Champion!  Team registration packets are available in the school office.  Completed packets including signed forms and the $5 per player fee are due on 3/9.  Students, parents and families can watch the action for $2 each, paid at the door.  Concessions including pizza will be available for sale (cash only).  Come out and cheer for your favorite team!!

Participating in a Spring sport? Please check out the Athletic website:


YEARBOOK:  Yearbook order forms are available at lunch or in the Main office. Orders are due NEXT Week !  You can also order online at the following link. Look for Hilliard Heritage Middle School when ordering online. The deadline for orders is February 27, 2023

HR Imaging Yearbook

BLACK HISTORY MONTH:  On September 12, 1992, Mae C. Jemison became the first African American woman to go into space aboard the space shuttle Endeavor. During her eight-day mission, she worked with U.S. and Japanese researchers and was a co-investigator on a bone cell experiment. Read her biography, Mae Jemison: a trailblazing astronaut by Heather Schwartz in the Media Center. For other books check out the collection Black Heroes – Biographies in Destiny Discover.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer