Tuesday, November 29, 2020

Hilliard heritage Middle School
Daily Announcements

Tuesday, November 29, 2020

NJHS:  Attention any 8th grader interested in applying to the National Junior Honor Society. We will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, December 6th in the media center beginning promptly at 7:40am. Please view the application here, due by January 6th.

Native American Heritage Month:  There are currently 574 different federally recognized Native American tribes (approximately 229 are located in Alaska, and the rest are located in 35 other states). In the Destiny Discover Collection titled Indigenous People there are many informative books in the Heritage Media Center to learn about Native Americans and their culture. Check out these nonfiction books: 100 Native Americans who have changed American history by Bonnie Juettner, Native Americans and the reservation in American history by Anita McCormick, and Native American Religions by Rob Staeger.

Girls flex basketball started off their season with a 22-20 win over Tree of Life Christian School.  It was great team effort. The leading scorer for the Panthers was Bella Nelson with 15 points and scoring contributors were also made by Madison & Kylie Morris and Marisa Brannan.  The Panthers return to action today at New Albany.

Ski Club:  Handouts with all of the information about Ski Club are in the Main Office.  If you have signed up for Ski Club, or are interested in Ski Club, please pick up an information packet in the Main Office.

Upcoming Dates:

  • December 9th  – Washington DC Trip Registration Deadline
  • December 16th – Last Day of Second Quarter
  • December 17th – January 2nd –  NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
  • January 3rd – First Day of 3rd Quarter



Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer