Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hilliard Heritage Middle School
Office of the Principal
Daily Announcements

Happy Birthday:  no birthdays today

Sports: To all students planning to attend Winter sports events at Heritage and Darby.    Students must purchase a ticket or have their season pass to enter the event. Students must also have a mask on properly to enter the event. Students are expected to remain in the gym for the game. Anyone found wondering the building will be asked to be picked up and leave for the evening. We also expect students to respect all athletes and spectators. Cheers should be positive and directed to Heritage and Darby athletes only.

FCA – (Fellowship of Christian Athletes & Students) will have their next meeting on Thursday, December 9th from 2:45-3:30 in Room 245.  We will be decorating Christmas Cookies and practicing our carols for later in the month when we will ring the bell for Salvation Army!

APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR GENIUS BAR:  If you are interested in applying to work in the Genius Bar during 2nd semester, stop by the Media Center and pick up an application. This is a semester-long course that is pass/fail and counts as an elective on a student’s schedule.  Genius Bar students help other students with Ipad issues and support, along with assisting with other duties in the Media Center.  See Ms. Best with any questions about the application process.

Heritage Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Joel Assenheimer