Hilliard City Schools | Ready for Tomorrow


Preschool Program

The HCSD Preschool program is designed for children ages three to five who manifest mild to severe delays in one or more developmental areas. The program’s goal is to provide children with educational opportunities that promote educational success and daily independence.

The program is primarily designed for children with disabilities; however, typically developing children who enjoy a well-rounded, developmentally appropriate preschool experience may apply as peer models for the students with disabilities. Learn more about the peer model program.


  • Ages three to five years old
  • Reside within the Hilliard City School District
  • A child suspected of delayed development, must be evaluated by a team of individuals to determine eligibility

Special Needs- Registration Process

  1. Parent/Guardian contacts the Preschool to request their child be screened
  2. Parents are contacted by the Preschool to schedule a screening date

Peer- Application Process

  1. Fill out Peer Application | Click to fill out online Peer Application
  2. The Preschool contacts the family and schedules an observation
  3. The parent gathers appropriate documentation and schedules an appointment with the records compliance officer.

When registration is finalized, the child will not start at the preschool until the following school year.

Hilliard City School District | Hilliard Preschool | Brian Hart, Principal
2874 Alton Darby Creek Dr. | Hilliard, OH 43026 | Ph: 614-921-5050 | Fax: 614-921-5051

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