HCSD Vision Statement:
Hilliard City Schools will Embrace, Empower and Inspire students, families and community in an active partnership.
HCSD Mission Statement:
Hilliard City Schools will ensure that every student is Ready For Tomorrow.
HCSD Preschool Mission:
The HCSD Preschool Program Mission is to nurture the development of early learning through play and social interaction in order to prepare preschool children and their families for school- age opportunities.
School Beliefs:
The staff at HCSD Preschool believes that all children can learn. Regardless of the strengths, weaknesses, and abilities each child brings with him, he or she will, indeed, learn. The mission of the HCSD Preschool staff is to enable all students to be successful. Our goal is to create a school where all community members, students, teachers, support staff, and parents feel that they belong and can be successful. The environment at HCSD Preschool will provide challenges, high expectations, and quality work for students and will encourage creativity and innovation in the teaching and learning process.
Our early intervention strategies are based on the following assumption
*Each child will be provided with an educational program which directly relates to the child’s competencies and area (s) of need, the child’s family issues and concerns, and the child’s chronological age.
*The educational program will provide opportunities that promote interactions with age-appropriate, typically developing peers.
*The developmentally appropriate educational program will provide teacher and child-directed activities that promote physical, emotional, and intellectual growth through the child’s interaction with the environment.
*Educational planning and program delivery must be provided in as natural a context as possible with input from the variety of individuals with whom the child maintains daily interaction.
*Preschool children are an integral part of their families, and to initiate and maintain student change, the family must be committed to their child’s educational program.
Family support strategies are intended to reinforce and facilitate the family’s efforts to:
*Discover and enjoy mutually satisfying interactions with the child.
*Become a sensitive observer and respond to the child’s unique communicative strategies, interests, and moods.
*Understand and enhance the child’s developmental skills, behaviors, and responses.
*Provide developmentally supportive experiences and activities appropriate for the child’s changing capabilities and temperament, and, to
*Capitalize on and adapt the environment to facilitate and accommodate the child’s changing needs, interests, and abilities.
The Hilliard City School’s Preschool Program is designed for children age three to five who manifest a mild to severe delay in one or more developmental areas. The program goal is to provide children with educational opportunities that promote educational success and daily independence. These educational opportunities shall be provided through:
*Quality instruction with an emphasis on meeting individual and family needs,
*A variety of age and developmentally appropriate educational activities, materials, and equipment,
*A daily schedule of events, which focus on all of the major areas of human development (motor, cognitive, social – emotional, communication and adaptive behavior),
*A variety of instructional approaches such as individual, small and large group interactions to promote skill development,
*Parent interaction/communication,
*Direct therapy or consultative services, when appropriate, offered by related services personnel and,
*Integration of typically developing peers in each classroom.
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