Hilliard City Schools | Ready for Tomorrow
Students in Honors Core Infusion 8 showcased their innovative solutions inspired by Animal adaptations. They participated in an Animal “Adapt-a-Design” project where they explored how unique animal adaptations can inspire solutions to human problems (bio-inspired design, biomimicry, nanotechnology). They started with research to understand these adaptations, identified relevant human challenges, and came up with innovative applications. They created “Picture Perfect” prototypes to show how nature’s ingenuity can enhance human life. 
Some examples include camouflage clothing that changes color based on surroundings, diving suits that adjust salinity to balance pressure at different depths and retractable needles that make syringes safer for use and disposal.  
The goal of each prototype was to represent the animal, the unique adaptation, and their design idea without using any words!  Other campus students and staff were invited to the showcase to learn about the innovations and provide feedback. 

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