This network is designed for the student who wants to experience school in a very personalized way. Consider trading the traditional bricks and mortar classroom with an online experience, small group learning, or one to one learning sessions. Together, a personal learning plan will be created for each student no matter the goal. This network is for the student who wants to put themselves on an individual plan for success.
For more information click the link for the program of studies.
Recognizing that the traditional classroom is not the right fit for every student, the Hilliard City School District offers the Personal Success Network.
Personal Success Network FAQ!
How can I enroll?
The first place to go for information is the student’s home building school counselor. PSN referrals come from the home buildings and we work with the counselor to set up the best schedule for each student. Even when attending the PSN, students will still be considered a student of their home building. The PSN is an extension of the student’s HCSD experience!
What classes will I be in?
Students are enrolled in online courses while in the PSN. Hilliard Schools has over 70 online courses that are written and facilitated by HCSD teachers. These courses follow the same curriculum as courses in the student’s home buildings but are adapted to create the best online experience. Courses are selected based on the needs of each student. Students are enrolled in two courses at a time and are expected to work through both courses within a six-week session.
Will I have support from teachers?
Yes, in addition to the online teaching staff, the PSN has 4 learning coaches who are also certified teachers that help students on a daily basis. Students will work with their coaches to set goals, improve upon time management, and work most efficiently while they are on the Innovation Campus.
What else do we do there?
Students attend the PSN for a 3-hour time block. During this time students do not just sit and look at a screen, we intentionally build time into the schedule to invest in student’s interests and build skills in the area of mindset. We call this time “MI Time” (M= mindset, I= Interests). MI Time involves learning about mental health, job skills, future-ready skills, community service projects, brain breaks, and even breaks for fitness.
For more information contact Scott Morrison 614-921-4807 or