Hilliard InterSchool Parent Teacher Organization (ISPTO) links all PTOs in the Hilliard City School District. ISPTO hosts meetings and events throughout the school year to share information, provide support, and enable connections between our PTOs that will benefit our school community.

At ISPTO meetings, members representing each of the PTOs in the district attend to hear about the latest news in the district, topics relevant to PTOs, and upcoming events. Representatives from the Board of Education, Hilliard Education Association, Hilliard Education Foundation and the district attend and provide updates as well. Each meeting includes a presentation, tour, or discussion where members participate and have time for questions and answers. Roundtable discussions on topics like fundraising and events allow our members to share and discuss topics and take that information back to their PTOs.

If you have any questions about Hilliard ISPTO, please email us at ISPTOHilliard@gmail.com.

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