Hilliard City Schools | Ready for Tomorrow

J.W. Reason Receives “The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)” Grant from the Ohio Department of Education


J.W. Reason Elementary is the recipient of a Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. This grant is provided by the Ohio Department of Education. We are excited to continue programming this year for our students, families, and community. You may know the programming better as After School Adventures.


After School Adventures Sign Up Information 

After School Adventures is offering free after-school enrichment classes at J.W. Reason Elementary. Students will choose what classes they are interested in and families will register by visiting the JW Reason 21st Century Community Learning Center link on top of the school’s website.

We will do our best to ensure that all students get into at least one class.

All classes have a designated end time listed in the course catalog. Pick up is on the side of the building facing Swensons. For the safety of our students, PARENTS MUST REMAIN IN THEIR CARS to pick up their students. No busing is provided.


Registration is open from September 1, 2023 – September 8, 2023

CLICK HERE to view our Session A Classes for Students


Session A Dates

Session A runs from September 18, 2023 – November 30, 2023


  • October 18th
  • November 7th, 24th and 25th



Description of the Program

JW Reason’s 21st Century Community Learning Center includes a morning program called Power Hour and an after-school program called After School Adventures.

After-School Programming

All students have the opportunity to participate in our after-school programming called “After School Adventures”. Students are able to choose the youth development class of their choice. The students pick the class of their choice and attend when that session is offered after school.


  • Partnerships include Veritas Church, certified school staff, and Community Volunteers 


Parent Classes

Veritas Church will provide a parent and child art class and a conversational English class for parents.

JW Reason Staff will provide a class for parents to learn how to help their child with reading at home.


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