The Hilliard City School District is in the process of revising its K-12 Health and Wellness Course of Study. The District’s Health and Wellness Curriculum Revision Committee has just completed the development of the K-12 Health and Wellness Course of Study. This Course of Study was presented to the Board of Education on Monday, January 9. The Board will be reviewing the Course of Study over the next several weeks before voting on its adoption. We invite all families and the community to preview the K-12 Health and Wellness Draft Course of Study and if so desire, use the Feedback Form as an opportunity to provide feedback. Please note that the Course of Study development is a part of Phase 1 which does not include Resource Adoption. Resource Alignment and Adoption will take place during the next phase of the revision cycle.
If the community seeks to understand the curriculum revision process, please refer to the following board policies as a resource
- IFD-R – Curriculum Adoption Process Guidelines
- IFE – Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines
Course of Study Health & Wellness