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Hilliard City Schools
Hilliard City Schools


Capacity: The number of students a school building can hold. In this process, this is determined by a formula that incorporates class size and type of program.

Collaboration Space/Extended Learning Area: Extends the classroom learning beyond the traditional classroom space. A gathering place for small and large groups for informal instruction as well as individual learning.

Diverse Educational Programs: Many programmatic offerings in one building to allow for multiple learning models.

Educational Adequacy: The ability of an educational space to deliver the current academic program.

Enrollment: The number of students attending a particular school or division.

Facility Condition Index (FCI): A value calculated by dividing the cost of renovation needs by the cost to replace a building. This index depicts the relative need between buildings.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS): GIS integrates software, hardware, data, and people to create, store, analyze, display, report, and manage geographic information

Grade Configuration: The arrangement of students into grade groupings. A common grade grouping would be K-5, 6-8, 9-12 grades. Other examples include PK-3, PK-6, K-3, K-8, 4-6, 7-9, 9-12, and 10-12.

Hard Costs: in construction are costs that are directly related to the physical construction of a building. These costs include the building materials and labor for construction.

Soft Costs: in construction are costs that are not directly related to the physical construction of a building but still necessary to the property development. These costs include design, financing, and administrative expenses.

Historical Enrollment: The number of students attending a particular school or division in the past. For example, if we say the historical enrollment of Washington Elementary School in 2010-2011 was 543 students, we are indicating that the number of students attending that school in that year in the past was 543 students.

Innovation Campus (ILC/HUB): The ILC/HUB serves as a centralized destination for students from the district’s three high schools and three middle schools. It offers classes in five programs: College Jumpstart, Imagination, Personal Success, Global, and Young Professionals

Land-Bank: The unused land that the District owns. It can be kept for future use or possible sale.

Magnet/Thematic Schools: A comprehensive school that provides an interdisciplinary themed instructional delivery model (e.g. Science & Technology, the Arts, “Back to Basics”, Spanish Immersion, STEM, etc.).

Overcrowded: When the number of students in a facility exceeds the capacity of that facility.

Operating Revenue: The amount of monies received by the District (taxes) which are used to operate facilities. Example, teacher salaries, building utilities, fuel for bussing.

Permanent Improvement: A tax issue which is dedicated to fund on-going maintenance of existing buildings.

Physical Condition: The status of systems within a facility; i.e. electric, HVAC, roof, flooring, walls, exterior, windows, etc.

Preschool (PS): Public education geared toward 3 and 4-year-old students. The HCS PS program is primarily designed for children with disabilities; however, typically developing children who enjoy a well-rounded, developmentally appropriate preschool experience may apply as peer models for the students with disabilities.

Programs: The curriculum that is taught/delivered.

Projected Enrollment: Student attendance forecast.

School Within a School: A building layout that allows more than one school to function on shared land and/or in shared building space, often by using the same common areas (cafeterias, gyms, etc.).

STEM/STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math curriculum / Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math curriculum

Student Density: A measure of the student population within a given area.

Survival Ratio: The percentage of students that enroll in the division/grade in a school year compared to the number of students enrolled in the previous division/grade in the previous year.

Teaching Spaces: Also referred to as Teaching Stations, are those spaces to which students are assigned per the master schedule of a building for core curriculum and elective courses. Examples of teaching spaces are: general classrooms, science classrooms, and at the secondary level, art, music, and gymnasiums.

Technology Infrastructure: Network equipment, WiFi, does not include computers

Utilization: Enrollment divided by capacity.