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OAESA Recognizes Hilliard City Schools

OAESA Recognizes Hilliard City Schools

The Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators (OAESA) annually recognizes elementary and/or middle-level schools and school leaders for their exceptional service to the students and school communities throughout Ohio.

OAESA announced that Brown Elementary School in the Hilliard City School District has been selected as a 2023 OAESA Hall of Fame School.

The Hall of Fame School Award recognizes schools that engage faculty, students, and the community to provide a quality school experience. The school staff submitted an extensive application documenting the effectiveness of their educational program in several areas. Hall of Fame Schools were selected by committees of OAESA members.

OAESA also announced that Jaclyn Prati, principal of J.W. Reason Elementary School in the Hilliard City Schools District, was selected as the 2023 Ohio Principal of the Year. 2023 marks the 39th year that the state of Ohio has selected a principal to recognize statewide.

These awards recognize schools and staff that engage faculty, students, and the community to provide a quality school experience. The district would like to thank you for all that you do!

Brown Elementary Class J.W.R Principal Jacki Prati

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