At the high school level, students have three options:

Option 1: FULL TIME through the Online Academy (At least 5 courses with a minimum of  3 online courses) Please note: full-time students will have the Online Academy listed on their transcript.

Option 2: HALF TIME through the Online Academy (3 online courses; 3+ courses elsewhere*) Half-time students must take the majority of their classes outside of the Online Academy.

Option 3: A La Carte (1-2 online courses while taking 5-7 courses elsewhere)

* Elsewhere includes the student’s home school, Tolles, the Innovation Campus, or through the College Credit Plus program.


High School Online Courses


  • English 9A, 9B
  • English 10A, 10B
  • English 11A, 11B
  • English 12A, 12B
  • EL-ELA 1, 2 and 3
  • Media Awareness 
  • Speech
  • Leadership Development


  • Health 
  • Physical Education 1, 2


  • Physical Science A, B
  • Biology A, B
  • Environmental Science
  • Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems
  • Scientific Principles of Sustainability 1, 2


  • World Studies 1, 2
  • U.S. History 1, 2
  • Government 1, 2
  • American History through Film 


  • Painting/Drawing
  • Digital Art/Photography


  • Algebra 1A, 1B
  • Geometry A, B
  • Algebra 2A, 2B
  • Algebra 3A, 3B


  • Future Ready
  • Personal Finance
  • College Fundamentals 
  • Career Based Intervention (CBI)


High school honors and AP courses are not offered through the Online Academy.

College Credit Plus can be an option for students interested in taking college classes.  If interested, please contact Tom Woodford, District College Counselor, at  CCP registration deadlines will apply, so don’t wait.



To meet the attendance requirement as a participant of the Online Academy program, students must be actively engaging and submitting coursework in all courses throughout each week. While there is flexibility within each week, students should engage and submit assignments by the end of the day on Friday. The expectations are clear and allow us to provide this flexible learning opportunity to students while aligning with attendance reporting to the state of Ohio.

Students in grades 9-12 will be marked as present or absent per week.

  • Attendance will be tracked based on a student's weekly engagement and participation in his/her Canvas courses.
  • For Online Academy high school students, attendance is  based on weekly assignment submissions. Each course has a required number of submissions and a formula is run comparing the student’s number of submissions completed out of the number of submissions required. A percentage of total work is determined which is translated into a corresponding number of days present, unless a parent/guardian notifies the school of illness or an acceptable excuse.
  • Since each student’s schedule is unique and different courses have different requirements, there is not a set number of submissions to meet attendance requirements.  Each student’s schedule is taken into account when his/her attendance is determined.
  • Students may, but will not be required to, participate during traditional school hours.
  • Students will have 24-hour access to the course and are expected to engage and submit assessments daily (school days).
  • Attendance will be updated through Home Access on a weekly basis,  based on the student's activity during the previous week.
  • Parents/guardians must contact the school if their student is ill or otherwise unable to participate in the online coursework for one or more school days.
  • Parents/guardians do not need to contact the school if a student is ill in the morning, but able to participate in the coursework later that day.
  • Parents will be notified if a student has been marked absent for the previous week. Unless notified of an illness or excused absence, students who will be marked as "unexcused."

Hilliard is using Safe Arrival, including Online Academy students. If you have an illness to report, use Safe Arrival to Report attendance.

Zoom Sessions

All students are highly encouraged to meet with their teachers during their Zoom office hours if they are in need of help.  Our Online Academy teachers are always willing to support students at other times through Zoom when requested.

Special Education and EL students have some required Zoom sessions. Please check with your student's teacher for more information.

Online Teacher

High School Roles within the Online Academy


For full time students, expect to be scheduled into all courses (traditionally 4 cores + 2 electives) in Canvas simultaneously, with weekly pacing expectations. Half-time students will be in 3 courses.

Create a daily or weekly schedule for yourself to ensure that you are engaging regularly and making consistent progress in all of your courses.

Look for and attend instructional opportunities offered through Zoom, when appropriate.

Check email and Canvas messages daily.  Read all feedback provided by teachers. Respond, as needed.

Be prepared to complete most of your learning through online activities.

Communicate with your teachers regularly and attend their office hours, particularly when you are struggling.

Parents / GUardiAns

Provide a low to moderate level of academic support while encouraging independence.

Monitor student’s comprehension and grades (through Canvas).

Encourage independence with support to learn time-management skills.

Encourage your student to attend instructional opportunities offered through Zoom.

Communicate, as needed, with your student’s teacher while supporting student/teacher communication.  Encourage your student to attend teachers’ office hours when needed.




Post high quality and age-appropriate online lessons daily through Canvas.

Provide timely and specific feedback for all online learning assessments through Canvas.

Ensure that navigation in the course is always age-appropriate and intuitive.

Post regular office hours through Zoom to be accessible to address student needs.

Announce and provide optional instructional opportunities through Zoom.

Be responsive in teaching in order to support each student’s individual growth.

Communicate with parents when intervention is needed.

Is Online the Right Choice?

Online courses offer many benefits to students. These courses offer more flexibility than what can be found in a traditional classroom. The education that students receive in Hilliard’s online courses aligns with what they would receive in a classroom since all of our courses are designed and taught by our own high-quality Hilliard teachers. Many students experience a great deal of success with online courses. But, online courses are not the best educational fit for every student. Understanding the expectations and commitment required to be successful in an online course are important for any student and parent.

Do online students stop attending their home schools?
Flexibility is the keyword when it comes to being an online student in Hilliard. What being an online student looks like on a day to day basis varies from student to student. 


At the high school level, students may take online courses as part of a full time at home online learning experience, a half-time at home online learning experience, or "a la carte" in addition to taking traditional classes at their home high schools.


What types of students take online courses?
Students/families who are…

  • Looking for an alternative to the classroom environment during the COVID pandemic
  • In need of a more personalized path with flexible pacing
  • Independent, interested, and inquisitive
  • Self-motivated
  • Taking advantage of enrichment opportunities such as Zoo School, Columbus State, Mentorship, etc.
  • Dealing with physical or mental health issues and need flexibility with attendance
  • Struggling with anxiety or situational stress
  • Aspiring to be professional athletes, musicians, or artists
  • Desiring to enter the workforce early
  • Looking to supplement a full schedule and want to earn additional credits
  • Interested in learning more about a specific topic (ex: science) to be more prepared in college
  • Needing to recover credits to stay on track for graduation
  • Planning to graduate early
  • Traveling abroad

What does it take to be successful as an online student?