Portrait of a Learner

Creating a portrait
Hilliard City Schools is excited to unveil its new Portrait of a Learner. Hear from Superintendent Dave Stewart and a few of our business partners about how our community came together to determine the skills our students need to be Ready For Tomorrow.
Resilient Learner
Respond productively to change, and demonstrate agility in thought and actions. Possess the desire to learn,
unlearn, and relearn in order to foster curiosity and creativity, explore new ideas, and grow through both success and failure. Transfer and apply learnings from diverse experiences.
Self Advocates
Recognize the importance of physical,
mental, social-emotional, and digital
wellness. Focus on building a healthy
self-image and self-esteem that allows
for the pursuit of individual goals.
Empathetic Citizens
Demonstrate global awareness and respect,
and act with concern and compassion for
the unique perspectives, experiences, and
cultures of all.
Purposeful Communicators
Speak and write with clarity. Listen actively
to decipher meaning including knowledge,
values, attitudes, and intentions to
collaborate with others effectively.
Strategic Design Team Meeting Dates
Meeting 1: October 25 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm
Meeting 2: November 15 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm
The November 15 meeting surrounded discussions on the competencies students need to thrive today and tomorrow. To get the conversations started there was a list of potential Competencies and their descriptions.
Here are the results from the Design Team Members:
And this is a list of competencies not on the original list, but which the Design Team felt was important to include.
Our strategic planning process is designed to be highly collaborative to ensure all stakeholders—staff, parents, families, students, business, and community leaders—are given opportunities to share their ideas and feedback on our district’s future direction. These results are just one part.
We are asking our larger community for your input as to what competencies you feel are essential.
We will also ask our secondary students to give feedback on what’s important to them. We will continue to provide updates on the process as we move forward on this page.
Meeting 3: December 8 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm
Meeting 4: January 24 at Heritage Middle School, 6- 8 pm
Strategic Design Team Wraps Up Phase One of Strategic Planning Process
Last fall, in partnership with Battelle for Kids, Hilliard City Schools kicked off a strategic planning process. On Jan. 24, our Strategic Design Team, comprised of staff, students, families and community members, wrapped up the first phase of this project, which involved developing a set of common goals and key characteristics we hope our students will develop in their time with us. This is known as our Portrait of a Learner and will serve as our North Star in the years to come.
As we enter the next phase of our visioning process, district staff, including teachers and administrators, will mine qualitative and quantitative data such as student achievement data, attendance data, policies and report cards.. This information will be used to create an action plan that will bring our Portrait of a Learner to life in our classrooms in the form of a new strategic plan.
We look forward to sharing this new strategic plan with you later this year to help ensure every student is Ready For Tomorrow.