Each year Ruling Our Experiences (ROX) provides the opportunity to learn about the world of work by inviting a female community professional to engage with the group. This year, they invited Kelsey Lensman as the guest speaker. Kelsey graduated from Ohio State in Sports Medicine with original plans of attending physical therapy graduate school. During her senior year, she felt a pull on her heart that she had a different mission. After a life-changing year of training to step on a bodybuilding stage, she realized we are all more capable than we could ever imagine. This led her to start her own company EmpowHER, which is a company that works 1on1 with women all across the country in their health and fitness, as well as EmpowHER Events, which are all women’s strength-events for women of all ages and skill levels to step out of their comfort zone together. She is a 5x bodybuilding competitor, and 3x powerlifting competitor, and competes in many other fitness competitions to push her limits. She is currently preparing for Mission48 where she will compete in 48 fitness competitions in 48 states in 48 days to raise money for charity. She is the host of The Arena Podcast with Kelsey Lensman.
ROX Students Have Guest Speaker