On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to announce Melissa Swearingen has been selected to be the next Treasurer for the Hilliard City Schools. The Board will vote on her contract at a special meeting on September 7, she is expected to begin in mid-October.
Mrs. Swearingen is currently the Treasurer/CFO at Delaware City School District. Prior to this position, she was the Assistant Treasurer here in the Hilliard Schools for nine years. She said, “I am very excited to be coming back to Hilliard City Schools! In my time in Delaware, I have gained the knowledge and experience that allow me to come back in this capacity. I have lived in Hilliard for 19 years, so the opportunity to serve the District in this role is something I have always hoped for.”
Board President Beth Murdoch is excited to welcome Mrs. Swearingen back to Hilliard Schools. “Her extensive experience and dedication to financial stewardship make her an excellent addition to our team. We believe her expertise will contribute significantly to our ongoing efforts in providing the best educational resources for our students.”
She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from The Ohio State University and a Master of Business Administration, Fraud Concentration, from Otterbein University. Her licensure and accreditations include Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations, a School Treasurer License, and she is a Certified Public Finance Officer.
As Treasurer for the Delaware City Schools, Mrs. Swearingen received the Auditor of State Award with Distinction for the past two years. Her team has been recognized annually by the Government Finance Officers Association for their ACFR and PAFR award programs. She is also a past president of the Ohio Association of School Business Officials and still serves on the Legislative Committee.
She is married and in their blended family they have two children who graduated from Darby High School and one student still in the Hilliard Schools. In her free time, she enjoys reading, live music, and traveling.
David Stewart
Hilliard City Schools Superintendent