Weaver Middle School 2024-2025 PTO

PTO MeetingsHaving trouble making it to our monthly meetings but still want to contribute to the middle school experience? Starting February 3, we will transition our meetings to Zoom. You can join us from anywhere in the world and still make an impact! Please join us on February 3. No Meeting on January 6.

Please feel free to contact us at

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Weaver PTO’s Give Now Campaign Please consider making a donation to the school and support the teachers and students of Weaver Middle School. Click here to make a donation.

Officers and Committee Chairs 2024-2025

President Cassandra De La Rosa
Vice President Kim Amaya
Secretary Tim McElfresh
Treasurer Tom Stoltz
Fundraiser Chair Jenny Petrillo
ISPTO Rep Sarah Byler

PTO Minutes and other Documents are available on Google Drive.

Shopping Rewards Programs – An Easy Way to Fundraise!

You can raise money for Hilliard Weaver while doing your regular shopping.

  • The Kroger Community Rewards program is another ideal way to support Weaver! The program allocates funds to our school based on the purchases that registered members, family and friends have made at Kroger using their Kroger Plus card. Each individual can enroll their Kroger Plus Cards online at the Kroger secure website, and choose HILLIARD WEAVER MS PTO. Make sure you keep it updated on Kroger’s website every year.
Weaver Middle School Mascot

Contact Us

Katherine Hueter

Assistant Principal:
Kevin Hunt